If you have an extra $799,000 lying around, you can buy a town in South Dakota. The name of the town is Scenic, South Dakota to be exact. The town doesn’t come with much. It has a dance hall, a jail, a handful of buildings, and it’s in South Dakota, but it is a town nonetheless.
Realtor Dave Olsen is hoping to sell the property and says that the town just simply wants to “sell and move on”.
The town has has 46 acres in total, 12 acres in town and 34 acres around it, and is located 50 miles east of South Dakota’s biggest city, Rapid City.
The town also includes a museum, bunk house, two stores (one of the stores may be Walmart but this hasn’t been confirmed), and a train depot.
Since the town’s heyday, the population is now under 10 people.
You can find out more about the property on buyscenicsd.com.