Republicans at the University of California, Berkeley are planning a bake sale with its pricing depending on the customer’s race and gender.
These Republicans are fed up with their perceived unfair advantage they will have if minorities are admitted into Universities based on their race. They’re protesting against pending legislation that would allow California universities to consider race or national origin during the admissions process.
As Reported By The Root
During the sale, scheduled for Tuesday, baked goods will be sold to white men for $2.00, Asian men for $1.50, Latino men for $1.00, black men for $0.75 and Native American men for $0.25. All women will get $0.25 off those prices.
Source: The Root
Even though it’s obvious that many people will take offense to this Bake Sale, the sale does also make a point about what these conservatives believe to be wrong and illustrates that very thoroughly.
Why is it that when conservatives (especially white ones) discuss race, they are called racist, and thus unfit to speak on the subject? We know that some conservatives and people for that matter are blatant racists, but is it fair to those who aren’t to be labeled as such just because they’re trying to create a dialog on some of the race issues that matter to them?