I know what you’re thinking. “It’s gotta be my grandma!”
She’s probably very old and very polite and wise. But is she older than patches of seagrass that were just discovered by scientists in the Mediterranean Sea? You’re probably thinking, “Maybe but this grass can’t be that old.”
Scientists stated that these giant patches of grass are 200,000 years old. They weigh over 6,000 tons and stretch for about 10 miles.
It’s hard enough for any of us to stray away from getting a cold during the winter so how in the world can something that old stay healthy? The scientists said that since the organism is so incredibly long, it has the ability to store nutrients in its long branches as well as reproduce asexually to future its lengthy growth.
I know this is a bit random but isn’t it amazing that this grass has been able to stay alive for so long? Think about it. The more you know, the more you don’t know.