Obamacare and its website has been a very touchy subject over the past few weeks, in particular. It was the catalyst for the government shutdown on October 1st and its website had got really bad reviews for just reasons due to the lack of ability of people wanting to enroll in health insurance plans through the site, and not being able to. And the first numbers released aren’t promising but does show an upward trend for the better.
The Obama administration was quick to note that nearly 3 million people visited the website on its first day, but it had declined to state that only 6 people actually enrolled. How does 6 people out of 3 million visitors enroll? That’s less than 1 percent and it’s actually much closer to being nonexistent.
“War room notes” released by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee from the morning of October 2nd, the day after the exchange site opened, show that amid ongoing problems with the site, just six people had completed enrollment as of that morning.
By that afternoon, 100 people had enrolled, the notes show, and the number was up to 248 by the following day, according to the notes from the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight.
The CCIIO oversees implementation of the health insurance portions of the Affordable Care Act.
The administration has maintained that early numbers are less important than the number of people who have signed up by mid-December, the cutoff to receive benefits on January 1st. However, the administration had set a goal of enrolling 500,000 people in October before the exchanges opened.