Nadya Suleman, also known as “Octomom” in the tabloids, has been charged with welfare fraud for failure to report the money she earned while working as an adult film actress and topless dancer.
According to Jackie Lacey, a Los Angeles district attorney, the mother of 14 kids applied for federal aid and did not report that she was getting checks from videos and personal appearances.
Suleman was not arrested but was ordered to come to an arraignment on Friday before a Los Angeles County judge. The prosecutor is asking the judge to set the bond at $25,000.
The charges include two counts of perjury by false application for aid and one charge of aid by misrepresentation. Suleman is alleged to have failed to disclose nearly $30,000 in earnings.
Of course, the 38-year-old’s performance as an adult actress and a strip bar topless dancer was no secret. Gina Rodriguez, a rep for Suleman, had once told a news agency that the career was nothing new for the Octomom. She was just doing video promotion. The adult video with Suleman in it was released in June 2013.
Suleman said she was determined to create a life for her 14 children that accepting adult entertainment offers was not out of the question, despite the fact she wouldn’t touch the flesh of another human being. She had told a CNN report that she would not kiss or touch someone for money.
Suleman collected food stamps for her 14 young children. She even filed for bankruptcy back in May but it was tossed out of the courts due to paperwork issues.
Suleman said she dreams of creating a business empire that pays for food, shelter and a college education for every one of her kids. She said she wants to be a role model for other women going through struggles. Suleman said she has to win the battle but no one understands this right now.
According to William Clark, a Public Assistance Fraud deputy district lawyer, in a criminal complaint said Suleman turned in an application seeking public assistance in January 2013. The report stipulates that Octomom did not report the additional income she earned the first six month of the previous year.
If she’s convicted, prosecutors said, she could face up to nearly six years in prison.