A government report has found that American schools are still racist. The findings indicate that public school students of color are punished more and have limited access to veteran teachers than their white peers, surveys released on Friday by the U.S. Education Department, including data from every U.S. school district.
The Education Department’s 2011-2012 Civil Rights Data Collection is a survey that is conducted every two years and indicates that five percent of white students were suspended annually, compared with 16 percent of black students.
Black students are reported to be suspended or expelled at triple the rate that the white students are, while Black girls were suspended at a rate of 12 percent than girls of other ethnicities and most categories of boys.
Discrimination has lowered the education performance of minority students and black students, as it was found out by a previous research that minority students were stuck with less experienced teachers as compared to Whites who had access to experienced teachers while seven percent of Black students attended schools that about 20 percent of the teachers had failed to meet license and certification requirements.
Every one in four school districts were reported to be paying teachers in less-diverse high schools $5,000 more than teachers in schools with higher Black and Latino students.
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan explained how the reports draw a clear line on how far the campaign for the promise of equal education to every child has gone and it is clear that the U.S has still a long way to go to ensure that every student is provided with an equal opportunity to succeed.