’s editorial review process is painstakingly thorough, involving several editors reviewing every article before it’s published. Our editorial team reviews each submission for accuracy, readability, style and tone to ensure it provides our audience a worthwhile read.
Quality is our top priority along with our commitment to our readers and to you—the writers who submit articles for publication.
Although our hope is to publish everything we receive, we occasionally reject a piece. Every article is evaluated on its merits, and our editors judge it both on quality of content and clarity of expression—the final verdict turning on whether it provides value to our audience.
To give your content the best shot at being published, we’ve broken down what our editors look for when evaluating submissions.
Articles we publish include:
- Strong writing that clearly articulates ideas and makes complex topics easy to understand
- Original ideas and new takes on old problems that will surprise, inform or delight our readers
- Thorough research and use of reputable sources to support the assertions made, views expressed and topics discussed
- Original reporting and first-person interviews
- Quality images and/or videos that support the content of the article
Articles we reject include:
- Plagiarism—and if it happens more than once, we eliminate the writer from our program
- Unsubstantiated claims or baseless accusations; a lack of factual support reduces an article’s value to the reader
- Poor or unclear writing, which makes the piece difficult to understand or fails to explain its main points
- Underdeveloped thoughts or broad statements that our editors judge to be wrong or untrue
- Responses that fail to answer specific questions being posed by the article
For more tips and advice on ways to improve your writing skills and create content that will engage our audience, check out our Writer Guidelines.