The story line opens up with a family named the Normandys, moving into the neighborhood called Alabaster Shadows. The son Carter and his sister Polly are unsure what to make of their new home, as the parents keep reassuring them, that everything will be okay. Even though something, just doesn’t sit right with the children. Every adult they meet from the new area just rubs them the wrong way.
1st adult they meet is the property manager Mr. Randolph who seems nice, but just is kinda off-putting, telling them about the children they will meet at their new school, then comes in Miss Crowe aka Priscilla who is a member of the Community Council, which we later find out in the story is a society that doesn’t like children.
Carter brushes the whole encounter off and is excited about his first day at his new school, but he notices the basement is leaking, yet they have no pipes. So he tells his Mother and she laughs it off as no big deal. Once at school Carter makes friends in his class depict his grumpy teacher Ms. Frump, who is alleged to be a member of the Community Council, as told by his classmate future friends Harely and his brother Warren.
Once home from school his parents tell him that the Community Council fixed the leak, but Carter goes downstairs to check, only to find an underwater world, that no believes, even his new friends at school, except all the children began to confess their experience with an surreal world experience and take their evidence to Mr. Randolph, but he tried to make it like the kids just have a vivid imagination and can’t separate reality from fantasy because they are not adults.
But why? Why are the children have these experiences and why are the adults trying to control is from getting out?
#AlabasterShadows is FREE thanks to #BlackComicsMonth sponsor @OniPress!!! Details here:
— TEEFRANKLIN.COM (@MizTeeFranklin) February 20, 2016