It’s not always fun to sit down and slog through your homework. If you have taken out student loans, you might wonder if all the hard work will be worth it in the end. But getting a good education helps you find and keep a job and can lead to lucrative, rewarding, and stimulating careers. Though it’s a good idea to look at a salary guide for computer forensics, nursing, or whatever career you are hoping to pursue after college to get an idea of how much money you may be able to make and ensure that all of your hard work at school will pay off.
Education and Jobs
The chances of you landing a great job will directly depend on the level of education you attain. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that for each level of education that you achieve, unemployment rates drop. If your highest level of schooling was high school, your group’s unemployment rate is about 8 percent. The unemployment rates for college graduates sit at 4 percent.
How Long Do I Have to Stay In School?
Most jobs have some sort of educational requirements in place. These days, many employers seek out college graduates. In the near future, the majority of employers will require that applicants have a degree in order to get an interview. You can bypass this preference by exceeding the requirements of the employers in your industry. By getting advanced training and even advanced degrees in some cases, you can make yourself stand out from the pack of applicants vying for the same position.
Improving Your Job Skills
Preparing for work-life starts long before higher education. Time spent studying and working on assignments in your K–12 years will directly transfer to your time in college, graduate school, or the office. Modern schools focus on the “4 C’s of 21st Century learning;” critical thinking and problem solving, communication, creativity, and collaboration. Mastering these skills will display a higher level of professionalism that employers will be looking for. The longer time you spend in school, the better your reading, writing, and communication skills will get. As you complete your school assignments, you will also learn more about using computers and technology, which will only help you in the workplace. In college and graduate school, you will also get introduced to different people and a variety of viewpoints. These social skills will serve you well in a lot of workplaces.
Career Advancement
Once you have found a job, the benefits of getting an education will continue. Advanced knowledge and degrees could open you up to promotions and other professional opportunities. If you’re not currently working in the industry of your choice, a degree in the field of your choice could raise you above applicants with unrelated degrees.
Many young people don’t consider school to be the most fun thing in the world. But what’s really bad is not being able to pay your bills or support your family. By getting an education, you’re ensuring your future prospects and that of your future family. A little hard work now will pay off dividends a few years from now.
For more about education, check out these articles.
SeattlePI | The Importance of Education In Finding A Job
Connections Academy | The Foundation of a Great Education
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Unemployment rates and earning by educational attainment