Looking at what nature has to offer you can be a beautiful sight. You can see the world as a place to live and the earth, just like your body, has seven chakras. Each of these chakras are located on our planet.
Root Chakra
The root chakra is located at Mount Shasta. This is in California and there is so much energy there that it brings life to people and to animals and other species of life. When you visit this area, make sure you find a psychic reader and open up to them so you can get universal energy.
Sacral Chakra
Located in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia and Peru is the sacral chakra. This is the second chakra and is represented by a serpent. This is in the middle of different areas and is where the energy of the earth takes shape and makes any form.
Solar Plexus
The Uluru in Australia is the place where the solar plexus is. This is known as the third chakra and is a place that is sacred to all that live there. This brings energy to everyone.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in England at Glastonbury. This is a community that is considered the heart of the Earth because of the energy that it brings. There are crop circles and magnetic changes that happen here.
Throat Chakra
The Great Pyramid of Egypt is known of the heart chakra. It is a place where there is more clarity and is one of the largest energy producers.
Third Eye Chakra
In Western Europe is that third eye chakra. It moves every 150 or 200 years and changes with the astrological constellations. Right now, we are in the Age of Aquarius and this means that it is presently in Western Europe close to Stonehenge. The next move will take it to Brazil and will be the Age of Capricorn.
Crown Chakra
In Mount Kailash, Tibet is the place where it is considered very sacred. This is where the Himalayas are and this chakra keeps balance.
The chakras in these areas help to keep the places emotionally and spiritually connected. These chakras are a part of the earth and they help to keep the energies moving and healthy.
The places where these chakras are located are grounded and so they are important to everyone living in the earth.