Jake Paul has now been hit with criminal trespassing and unlawful assembly, just days after he denied taking part in any looting while “protesting” near a mall in Scottsdale, Arizona. The allegations are both misdemeanor charges.
“Following the riots and looting that occurred on the evening of May 30th, 2020 at Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall, the Scottsdale Police Department received hundreds of tips and videos identifying social media influencer, Jake Joseph Paul (23), as a participant in the riot,” Police confirmed on Thursday.
“Our investigation has revealed that Paul was present after the protest was declared an unlawful assembly and the rioters were ordered to leave the area by the police. Paul also unlawfully entered and remained inside of the mall when it was closed. Paul has been charged with Criminal Trespass and Unlawful Assembly (both misdemeanor charges) as result. He was issued a summons to appear in court in a month,” the news site reports.
Paul took to social media to react to the charges. He tweeted:
gimme my charges and let’s put the focus back on George Floyd and Black Lives Matter https://t.co/nwBZmsxFFz
— Jake Paul (@jakepaul) June 4, 2020