Olivia Colman portrays as Leda, a woman on holiday who becomes consumed by a mother, played by Dakota Johnson, and her young daughter in Maggie Gyllenhaal’s directorial debut, The Lost Daughter. According to the official storyline description, she is soon compelled to “confront the secrets of her past.” The Lost Daughter had its world premiere at the Venice International Film Festival, where it received rave reviews and earned Colman Oscar talk.
Gyllenhaal said to Screen Daily why she wanted to adapt Elena Ferrante’s work into a film: “I asked to direct it and to adapt it.” “To tell you the truth, there was a part of me that was terrified. I’d never directed anything before. I’d never done anything like this before. ‘I’ll grant you the rights to modify it,’ she added, apparently sensing my dread. But unless you direct it, all of this will be for naught.’ ‘Could Jane Campion accomplish it?’ there was no way of knowing. Is Lucrecia Martel capable of pulling it off?’ It has to be me, she said, which I regarded as a genuine vote of confidence. That was just what I needed at the time.”
Jessie Buckley, Peter Sarsgaard, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, and Paul Rudd star in The Lost Daughter.