Donald Trump is a lot of things (including a horrible eater), but he isn’t a drinker. Indeed, he is a teetotaler who never drinks and knows so little about alcohol consumption that the cocktails at his Trump Tower restaurant were once described by Vanity Fair as “concocted by a college freshman experimenting in their dorm room.” So imagine how the ex-president reacted when one of the three rightwing justices he appointed to the Supreme Court publicly said, “I like beer.”
The Chief’s Chief, the latest book by former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, has previously disclosed that Trump tested positive before one of his debates with his successor, Joe Biden, according to Politico. Meadows claimed that Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing turned him off. It wasn’t because the judge had been falsely accused of sexual assault in high school, of course.
No, it was because he said he liked beer. And because he was too apologetic, which Trump certainly is not. After Kavanaugh confessed, during a televised hearing, that he liked the suds then and now, Trump was “extremely put off” and “strongly considered” finding a “stronger candidate.” Alas, it was not to be: Meadows convinced him that, should he yank the nomination, the “blowback would be severe.”
So Trump kept Kavanaugh on the docket while mocking his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, on the campaign road for claiming she’d been scarred for decades by what the new Supreme Court justice allegedly did to her. Then, two years later, Kavanaugh, along with the rest of the Supreme Court, threw out his ludicrous voter fraud claims, according to Meadows’ book, which made Trump, a man who admires strength, very sad.
(Via Politico)