This is sickening in every sense of the word. And what’s worse, is that the ENTIRE incident was caught on tape. I can’t even imaging what it would be like to be in the shoes of NFL player Ryan Moats and his family.
A Dallas policeman drew a gun on him and his family, then detained the family for fifteen minutes outside of the damn hospital while their mom passed away.
The Dallas News reports:
As a storm of outrage gathered over his department, Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle called a news conference Thursday to apologize for the behavior of an officer who detained a distressed family outside a hospital emergency room.
Kunkle said Officer Robert Powell had been placed on paid administrative leave in connection with the incident last week, in which he stopped a family rushing to visit a dying mother, keeping them for 13 minutes to write a traffic ticket. The woman died before two of the family members were able to see her.
“I am embarrassed and disappointed by the behavior of one of our police officers,” the chief told a packed audience of media outlets that included Inside Edition. “His behavior, in my opinion, did not exhibit the common sense, discretion, the compassion that we expect our officers to exhibit.”
During the traffic stop, caught on the officer’s in-car camera, Powell berated the driver, 26-year-old NFL running back Ryan Moats, and threatened him with arrest for running a traffic light.
Now how in the hell do you expect someone to take your apology seriously when it seems that the only reason that you’re apologizing is because you got caught red handed (peep the vids below). The officer refuses for about minutes to even acknowledge what Moats is saying about his mother-in-law. His making it a point to inform Moats of all the ways he has the power to make his life difficult. Then you wonder why there is all of these so-called accidental shootings across America.
It’s even worse than what you see in the vid though. What you don’t see is that the officer drew his gun on Moats and his wife as they explained that a family member was inside the hospital dying. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but right after they park the car, you can see his wife raise her hands as if the officer had just drawn his weapon. But of course he and the police force vehemently denies this allegation.
All in all, the Moats family handled this situation in a very dignified and respectable way. I don’t know if I could’ve acted as calmly as they did and for that they need to be applauded.
What do you guys think about the situation?