Matt Knowles seems to have his hand back in the cookie jar when it comes to who’s going to perform for B.E.T.’s anual awards show. It seems that he’s still ever so determined to destroy LeToya Luckett’s career. Wasn’t kicking her out Destiny’s Child enough to begin with? He’s now rumored to have gone to BET executives and demand that LeToya be taken out of the show or Beyonce won’t perform.
Word on the street is…Mathew Knowles is threatening to pull Beyonce from the lineup of performers if BET allows Letoya Luckett to perform at the awards in ANY capacity. Letoya’s management is fighting very hard to make her performance concrete, but who do you think the execs will side with..Letoya or Bey? The chick’s at a slight deficit here.
Enough is Enough! No matter how succesful LeToya becomes, there is no stopping Beyonce’s shine. So why rain on LeToya’s parade?