I don’t know about you but I, as a lot of other people, was pretty pumped about the release of the iPhone 5 a little over a week ago.
The funny thing is I actually don’t own an iPhone and have been a Droid user for the past 2 years, but I’m a tech geek at heart and with this being such a huge event and for the first time since the first iPhone, Apple releasing a totally brand new design, I couldn’t help but get excited. This was actually the first time that I ever really contemplated getting an iPhone for myself.
As expected, Apple had myself and the rest of the world at a standstill with this launch. They released their iPhone 5, sold more than 5 million units the first weekend, and all was right in the world.
Not quite.
Whenever something, especially technology, is so much in demand like the iPhone 5, there will always be unscrupulous individuals trying to cash in on people’s wants and desires and this couldn’t be more evident by me just browsing through my news feeds on all of my social networking accounts. There were some pretty (obvious) fake looking profiles being set up on Twitter, Facebook, and especially Instagram claiming to have such a huge surplus in iPhone 5’s that they couldn’t sell them all so they had to literally give them away.
Some of these profiles even have the audacity to claim that they would give away as many as 100,000 iPhones. One hundred. Thousand. Phones. You read that right.
100,000 of the same phones that Apple has already claimed they were able to sell 5 million of in the first weekend alone as mentioned above, but somehow these people were able to give them away.
Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous.
But people fell for it.
I cannot begin to tell you the amount of pics and tweets that flooded my feed with this foolishness. I know you guys have seen it too. I just wanted to say “C’mon man!” in my Keyshawn Johnson voice and reach through the phone and shake some sense into the people that kept shouting out these fake profiles.
But then I had an epiphany and thought to myself that if these fake profiles can gain 100’s of thousands of new followers for giving away fictitious phones, why can’t I do the same by giving away one real phone?
So with that being said, TheUrbanTwist.com is giving away ONE phone to one lucky winner when our Instagram followers reach 100,000. Plus you must also like our Facebook page. And that’s it!
Chances are that Instagram brought you to this post anyway and all you have to do is give us a shout on your page and we’ll reach that magical 100,000 number in no time just like those fake profiles did.
But just so that we’re completely clear, we’re not giving away a physical iPhone 5, but we are giving away a $200 Apple Store gift card that you can used towards the purchase of an iPhone 5. Wondering why we’re not giving away an actual iPhone 5? It’s all about logistics! There are just too many variables entailed (such as your carrier, your contract, your location, etc…), so we thought it’d be easier to give you the cash, and let your purchase the iPhone yourself.
Now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, let’s dive into the details of this awesome giveaway.
Who can enter?
Anyone, anywhere in the world can enter. There is no age or location restriction. If you’re old enough to use a mouse and do a right click, then consider yourself eligible for this iPhone 5 giveaway.
How to enter and win the free iPhone 5?
Click the Facebook “Like” button at the top or bottom of this post. If viewing from mobile browser, click on the “share article” button at the bottom of the post and share on Facebook.“Like” TheUrbanTwist.com on FacebookFollow TheUrbanTwist.com on TwitterRetweet this post by clicking hereLeave a comment below with your Twitter handle. We will be contacting the winner through Twitter and Facebook. This is how we check to see if you are following and “liking” us or not.
We will go through the entries and select a winner as we reach 100,000 followers on Instagram.
Update 4/10/2013: Our 100,000 follower contest isn’t working the way that I had originally envisioned and I really want to give away an iPhone 5, at least before the iPhone 6 comes out, lol. So here’s the deal, as I change the rules ever so slightly…all you have to do to enter our iPhone 5 giveaway is sign up for our newsletter below and help us get to 100,000 fans on Facebook or as close to it as possible before the end of June.
Even if we don’t reach the 100,000 mark, we’re still giving away the phone via gift certificate as explained in the rules above.
Our newsletter is basically an edigest that we send out 2-3 times a week just highlighting some of the stories and news that post to our site daily, and we never spam you. Ever! And you can unsubscribe at any time.
Click here to see what one of our typical eDigest newsletters look like to see what I mean.
If you have any additional questions about the contest, contact Brennen Jones, the Editor-In-Chief and founder of this site, via Twitter.

Before entering, make sure you allow pop-ups.
If viewing this on your phone, click “Go to Full Site” at the bottom of the page to enter.
Deadline: Entries can continue being submitted through Sunday, June 30, 2013
at 11:59 p.m. EST. These winners will be awarded via e-mail that night.
If necessary: To see your entry count on a repeat visit, submit your name and e-mail again.
If you have trouble submitting your entry below, please contact us through this page.