Amanda Bynes’ erratic behavior ensues as the troubled actress allegedly threatens to kill her parents.
TMZ recently released disturbing audio recordings of Bynes talking about her yearning to slit her parents’ wrists and burn down their house. Taken by Bynes’ West Hollywood roommates, the former child star goes on a rant about how she’d take her father’s life stating “Nothing would give me greater pleasure than like slitting his throat. That is what I would love to do.”
She continues to reveal how she’s been taunting her mother as well, through threatening phone calls stating “I call my mom and like I threaten to kill her, and I threaten to slit her wrist, and I threaten to like burn her house.”
The actress’ hostility towards her parents is nothing new. Recently, Bynes has taken to Twitter to vent her frustrations over their decision to cut her off financially, which sources say are a false allegation. The 28-year-old goes on to say that “I’m gonna murder my family like ‘cause that’s the thing that like, they’re in control of my money, and that’s why I don’t have much money right now.”

Bynes’ disturbing tape is just the latest in a string of strange behavior by the young actress, who was released from psychiatric care on October 30. She was admitted into a treatment center in California on October 10, following odd behavior after a DUI arrest in September.
So far, Bynes has gotten cheek piercings (and removed them), walked around New York with a blanket covering her head, made an outrageous video admitting to an eating disorder, taken topless photographs of herself (and since deleted them), threw a bong outside of her 36th floor apartment in New York because someone called the cops on her, and even stumped Courtney Love with her bizarre behavior in a Twitter war not even worth expounding.
Further, Amanda’s parents have also filed legal documents renouncing their conservatorship over their daughter, hoping to consign it to a mental health professional. And, after being dubbed a lost cause, was also abandoned by her agent, publicist and entertainment lawyer. Ouch!
Things seemed to be looking up for Amanda, too. She reportedly enrolled at FIDM to learn fashion and start her own clothing line, but was kicked out for possession of weed and bizarre conduct. She was even said to be making progress at her most recent stint in treatment, but it looks like Bynes has officially hit rock bottom.
My verdict: there’s just no way this will end well.