Some people just can’t seem to get over the fact that Paula Patton and Robin Thicke are over. It’s understandable since the couple has been together since high school, that was almost 21 years ago. The couple was married with a son and seemed to have it all. Robin Thicke with his booming music career and Paula lighting up the movie screens in her romantic comedies and action films, seemed to be the dynamic duo. Now that they are no longer together people seem to be interested in why they didn’t workout, whose fault it was, and what the couple are going to do now.
Although almost everyone is well informed on their break up thanks to Robin Thicke’s continuous attempts to win Paula back, the recent moving on of both Paula and Robin has gotten everyone talking, or taking sides. Rumors that Robin Thicke cheated on his wife, followed by the controversy of his performance with Miley Cyrus at the 2013 VMAs was where most of the trouble began. Not long after the 2013 VMAs did the separation rumors make their way to light and were soon confirmed by Paula. The separation seemed to be further confirmed when Robin Thicke started trying to win Paula back by writing a number of songs and performing them in hopes to “Get Her Back“. He even dedicated his new album to her entitling it Paula.
Paula Patton didn’t seem doesn’t seem to want to reconcile their relationship and has taken steps to move on. Paula filed for divorced in October and according to Radar Online has since moved in with her now boyfriend Zak Waters. There is controversy on whether they are really together but the fact that Paula has filed for divorced and put her Hollywood Hills mansion up for 3 million dollars is a clear sign that she is moving on.
Robin has taken the hint and has finally begun to move on as well. After months and months of trying to win Paula back the R&B singer has found someone new. According to Robin Thicke is seeing a young Model named April Love Geary. There is also a small controversy over the age difference between Thicke and his now girlfriend who is 19 years old, but the two don’t seem bothered; hardly hiding that they are together. Pictures taken from April Love Geary’s Instagram seem to show her in Robin and Paula’s old home.

At any case one thing seems to be clear and that’s the end for Paula and Robin’s relationship. The two have both seem to be moving forward with their lives and it seems like fans of the couple have no choice but to do the same. Only time will tell where the lives of these two will end up now that they are no longer together, but there is no doubt that fans will be eagerly watching.