Shia Labeouf, the 28-year-old actor who played the lead role in the first three Transformers movies has shocked the world with his claims of being sexually assaulted. In his interview with Dazed and Confused magazine, Shia Labeouf said that a woman raped him last February while he was doing his performance art #IAMSORRY at the Cohen Gallery in Los Angeles.”One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for ten minutes and then stripped my clothing and proceeded to rape me,” says Labeouf according to the magazine.

A Vulture reporter who visited the #IAMSORRY exhibit said that the people who came were asked to pick a prop out of bullwhip, pink ukulele, bowl of Hershey kisses and other unusual objects before entering the room alone with the star, who wore the similar paper bag over his head. The exhibit lasted for five days where Labeouf revealed that people came in and encouraged him.
“People I’ve never met before came in and loved on me and with me,” he explains. “Some would hold my hand and cry with me, some would tell me to ‘figure it out’ or to ‘be a man.’ I’ve never experienced love like that; empathy, humanity.” LaBeouf’s positive experience was short-lived after a woman came in and allegedly raped him.
The horror seemed to continue after the woman left, and LaBeouf learned that his girlfriend was in line at the exhibit to see him for Valentine’s Day.
“…So it really hurt her as well, as I guess the news of it traveled through the line. When she came in she asked for an explanation, and I couldn’t speak, so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful.”
There is controversy on whether Shia is telling the truth about his claims of rape or if he’s simply looking for publicity. People have taken up for Shia LaBeouf while others have taken to defending him. It has been a tough year for the actor Shia LaBeouf and it seems with these new claims things have yet to get better.