Payments are issued on a NET 45 basis. NET 45 means your payment will be sent 45 days after the closing of the month in which you generated the minimum payment. Earnings that do not reach the payment threshold will be rolled over into the following month. This allows us a grace period to check and make sure all stat reports are correct before issuing payment.
To make things easier, we’ve compiled this handy chart below.
Closing Month (Pay Date)
January (March 15th)
February (April 15th)
March (May 15th)
April (June 15th)
May (July 15th)
June (August 15th)
July (September 15th)
August (October 15th)
September (November 15th)
October (December 15th)
November (January 15th)
December (February 15th)
In order to get paid, we need your legal name, physical mailing address, and PayPal address. All of this information will be 100% private. Finally, you must agree to our terms and conditions.
This is to protect both ourselves as well as the other active members of The Urban Twist.