How many headlines have you come across that include the words “save time and money?” More than you can count? Letting people know they’ll learn to save time and money by reading your article is critical, but it’s also too general to make a significant impact. In fact, people are so used to seeing the phrase “save time and money,” it doesn’t capture much attention.
To capture attention, you need to speak to people directly and specifically. For instance, the general headline, “Tips To Save Time and Money Renovating Your Home” sounds good, but it’s not specific enough. How much money will the reader save? A specific headline is better, “House Flippers: Save Up To $3,000 On Your Next Bathroom Renovation.”
1. Readers want to know exactly how much money they’ll save
A general headline tends to accompany general content. Most people who need to save money and time on a home renovation won’t benefit from general advice. General money-saving tips might include obvious things like creating a budget and getting multiple bids. Once a person has read a few general articles, they’re less likely to click on search results with general titles.
A title that specifically states how much money a reader can save will interest people with a specific budget or specific renovation requirements. For instance, Green Residential’s blog post titled How To Renovate Your House for $10,000 or Less speaks directly to visitors with a $10,000 home renovation budget. Diving into the article reveals affordable, actionable tips for specific renovation projects like painting cabinets rather than refacing them. All of the renovation tips can be accomplished for well under the stated $10,000 budget.
2. Budget specificity creates believability
Readers unconsciously identify experts by their detailed, in-depth, specific content. When the content you write involves spending money, only experts can project budget-related specifics.
If you run a home improvement blog, you’ll gain your readers’ trust by sharing your experiential knowledge of project budgets. For example, if you’ve done a few bathroom remodels, you probably know you can install Allure vinyl plank tile over existing flooring. This is a significant cost saving method because it prevents you from having to rip up and dispose of tile. Homeowners on a budget don’t usually know about this option.
If you’re not actually an experienced expert in the industry you’re writing about, consult with someone who is in order to get accurate cost estimates. For instance, if you’re writing content for landlords to save money on repairs and maintenance, talk to experienced landlords to find out what they know.
3. You’ll reach an audience more likely to buy
When you’re selling a product or service, your main goal is to reach people who are ready to buy. Those people are the low-hanging fruit. When someone isn’t ready to buy, your specificity has the power to grab their attention; they’ll know your message/product/service is for them.
Say you’re a plumber. People generally only search for plumbing-related content online when they’re experiencing a problem like a backed up toilet or a leaky pipe. They’ll call you if they can’t resolve their issue, but they’re going to try first.
Create guides for people to solve or mitigate every possible plumbing problem you can think of. You’ll have more content in the search engines, and the specificity will increase your chances of attracting visitors who have a specific problem.
When your solution works for a visitor, they’ll remember your site as an authority site. You’ll gain credibility in their eyes, and they’ll be likely to come back if they need more help. If you happen to be local, they’ll call you when they need a plumber.
4. People don’t like financial surprises
While you can’t tell a reader exactly how much their new project is going to cost, you can prepare them with an estimate. Reading an article that details cost estimates gives people a sense of peace around what expenses to expect. If the minimum cost is out of their budget, they’ll look for alternatives.
5. People like options
By presenting options according to budget, you’re doing readers a favor. Sure, you could tell readers it will cost $25,000 to fence in their property, but what if a local contractor would charge less? What if they don’t need expensive wood panels and are perfectly happy with metal stakes and chicken wire? Options give people the ability to choose what’s right for them.
Show, don’t tell
Always remember, the number one rule in writing is “show – don’t tell.” Creating budget-specific content shows people exactly how they can save money.