Best selling author, a book cataloged in the Library Of Congress, book number two on the way, and a mission to help kids in underprivileged areas gain access to books.
For most people, it would take a full lifetime to hopefully achieve just some of these accomplishments, not for Nicholas Buamah, the 9-year-old entrepreneurial phenom.
Recently I had the opportunity to have a conversation with Nicholas so I could learn more about who he is and figure out what makes this impressive young man tick. I have to say after our conversation, I am more hopeful for the world.
In a time of major divisiveness, Nicholas shines as someone who wants to bring the world closer together and make it a better place.
Brandon Brooks: Hi Nicholas, first off I want to thank you for your time today and let you know how impressed I am with everything you’ve accomplished so far. Out of everything you’ve done, what would you say is your biggest accomplishment yet?
Nicholas Buamah: Thank you, Brandon, I really appreciate that. I’d say my biggest accomplishment has been starting my non-profit Books Without Borders and becoming a best-selling author.
BB: That is all phenomenal. With so much going on, what’s next for you?
NB: This summer we’ll be going to Ghana and starting a library for a school of over 1200 students that has no books. We’ll be providing them with books and with computers to help them with their education.

BB: Once again, that is absolutely amazing. Who do you look up to in business, who’s inspired you to be this way?
NB: I’d definitely say my mom and dad. They’re both great business people and help me out so much!
BB: Nicholas, if you could go way back in time to when you were only 8 years old, what would you tell your younger self?
NB: I’d probably tell myself to just prepare for what’s going to happen. A lot has happened so far and you just have to be prepared for it all.
BB: Yes! It definitely is a lot but you’ve done a fantastic job. What advice would you give other kidpreneurs who are looking to start their business?
NB: Doing it is very hard, very hard. But, you’re never too young to dream BIG!
BB: Wow Nicholas, I really love that. I think that’s such an important point and who better to hear it from than someone like you who dreamed big and has accomplished so many amazing things already!
I am so impressed, this is just amazing Nicholas. In 5 years what is something else you hope to accomplish?
NB: Well, a lot of libraries in a lot of other countries. I want to open up libraries in countries all over Africa and I want to have 10 books done by then that will be in all of the libraries!
BB: You want to have 10 books done in the next 5 years?
NB: Yep!! And my second book actually comes out this summer. It’s called A Puppy Surprise. I’m excited for everyone to read it.
BB: Nicholas, I want to thank you and I want to provide this time for you to just tell me something that you want everyone to know.
NB: That you can do anything you want if you’re willing to work for it! And that with our first book, Kayla and Kyle The Walking Dictionaries can be hard for some people to read alone so we created an app that is available on the Google Playstore and on IOS App Store for you to download with the book. It helps you read the book and it helps make the pictures come alive. It’s really cool!
BB: Nicholas thank you, not only for your time today but for everything that you do. You are a very impressive young man and give all of us hope for the world. You are someone who no doubt will have an amazing and positive impact on the world.
NB: Thank you, that means a lot!
If like me you’d like to help support Nicholas and his cause, Books Without Borders make sure to check them out. You can get his book on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and on his own website but I’ll let you all in on a secret. If you purchase the book directly from Nicholas’ website, you’ll get a copy signed by him!
Make sure to stay on the lookout for his second book coming out this summer titled A Puppy Surprise and absolutely keep an eye on this young man. Even though he’s done so much, he’s just getting started and the sky is the limit for young Nicholas Buamah.
To purchase Nicholas book, go here: