First coined in 1995 by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch as the title of their book, the concept of intuitive eating actually begin earlier on through other fields of thought. The earlier ideations came from Susie Orbach, the author of ‘Fat is a Feminist Issue’ back in 1978. Before that, Geneen Roth also explored this concept when writing about emotional eating in 1982.
The thought process of intuitive eating was built on the foundation that diets or eating plans do not work, and it really is about a lifestyle change that focuses on personal care for more sustainable weight loss.
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive eating a method of eating focuses on you being the expert of your body as well as your body’s hunger signals. It is not a traditional diet. There are no guidelines for what you should eat or what you should not eat and also no guidelines to when you should be eating.
With intuitive eating, you are the sole focus, the only person that makes choices of the food that goes into your mouth. It teaches you that you are the best person to make all these food choices.
Reject the diet mentality
Diets and eating plans have been created to help plenty of people out there meet their weight loss goals. The problem with diets and us is that we have already created a bad relationship with food, and when we attempt a diet, we fail because we put too much hope and went all in too fast and unsatisfactory results. This perception itself prevents you from rediscovering intuitive eating.
Honor your hunger
As you read this book, you will come to learn how to honor your hunger and how to keep your body biologically fed with adequate nutrition. We will discuss overeating, how to stop overeating as well as learning to honor the first signals of satiety.
Make peace with food
A large part of intuitive eating is to make peace with food and work on creating a relationship that prevents you from feeling deprived, which could cause binge eating and cravings. It is to help you understand why you eat the way you eat and how you can change your eating habits to better ones.
Challenge our Food Police
There will be plenty of thoughts running through your mind when you indulge or when you just have a simple meal. These are all unreasonable rules we pick up along the way as we grow, identifying certain foods as ‘bad’ and certain foods as ‘good.’ Through intuitive eating, you will learn to change this critical step and make mindful decisions about your food choices.
Respecting your Satiety
We will also learn how to listen to our bodies for signals when it tells you that you are no longer hungry. You will also learn to observe and honor these signs and learn to eat through not only your mouth but through other senses from sight, smell, and touch.
Discover your Satisfaction Factor
One of the most basic gifts to humankind is the pleasure and satisfaction of eating experiences. When we eat what we really want to it, the pleasure you derive is a powerful force that helps you feel satisfied and content. Why allowing yourself to feel happy and satisfied in your meal, you will notice that it takes much less food to feel pleasure.
Honor your feelings without food
Many of us use food as a way to comfort ourselves when we feel emotions, especially negative emotions from anxiety, boredom, loneliness as well as anger. One of the objectives of intuitive eating is to remove this emotional aspect away from food and to make us more aware of our food triggers. We will learn that food can only provide temporary relief and that it will not fix any of these feelings. If anything, emotional eating only makes you feel guilty. By honoring our emotions without food, we respect both our feelings and the food we consume.
Respect our body
Intuitive eating helps you accept your genetic blueprint. Each of us has different body compositions, and it is unrealistic to think that humans all come in one size. By understanding this, we all remove unrealistic expectations of how our bodies should look. More than that, we also respect our body so you can also feel better about who you are and prevent yourself from being critical about your body shape.
Exercise is crucial, but that does not mean you must spend more than an hour in the gym or go through an intensive Bootcamp to get the body you want. Exercising comes in all shapes and forms, and it is more about shifting your focus from how many calories you burn to how you feel from working out, the energy you feel. Exercising can be anything from a brisk walk to a stroll in the park to a 30 minute HIIT workout.
Adding some to your post or pre-workout shake can boost your weight management goals without having to starve yourself and can help you shift that focus from calorie counting to wellness.
Honor your Health
Last but not least, intuitive eating also enables you to look at food as fuel and not just as a means to an end for your hunger. You will be geared to make better food choices that honor your taste buds as well as your health, and that does not mean it must come out from a perfect nutrition diet. You will not suffer a nutrient deficiency or gain weight if you eat a slice of pizza or if you had a brownie. Intuitive eating helps you to look at eating healthily more consistently, and that progress, and not perfection is what is important.
Intuitive eating is all about focusing on what you are eating and being mindful of the food and the nutrients that go into your body. You ultimately want to create a positive relationship with food and remind yourself that food nourishes the body, not about damaging the body. Once you come to this awareness, sustainable and healthy weight management is achievable.