The Grammy Awards made yesterday evening the biggest night in music, but Courtney Love, one of the medium’s biggest stars, shared a vulnerable post on Instagram while the show was on. She claims in it that she was on the verge of dying last summer.
She begins her article by stating, “People, I’ve been sad, and extremely sick. Debilitated, in indescribable pain and in August at 97 pounds almost died in hospital from anemia (hemoglobin I had none)
I was stigmatized for being an addict for 9 months by many ill-equipped drs, backwards drs and quacks. While in debilitating acute pain. Then I met the most empathic wise pain management dr . I’m so grateful! But I’m so good now. And on CBD oil. Which has removed ALMOST ALL the physical symptoms. And all the pain.
I used to scoff at cannabis / THC. And I also am no fan of the narcotic effect , hate weed feeling.
This isn’t that . It’s wo man and nature supporting us. It’s magic. But gods own CBD is a miracle.
Thank you @woodyharrelson for back in the day showing me that chipping from popular mechanics in 59? ‘the 67 uses of hemp. You were right! I’m still 100 percent sober by the way. Page 133 of the big book if you have questions. Bear with me as I start to try and have a blast and help others every pain free day!!!
I’ve been basically bedridden. I thought I was broken for sure this time. But I’m ok! So I’m just waking and I’m frail. I’ll be strong again soon! Not as always because this is the period to be mellow and not waste energy on anger, etc.
Dropping the rock as we say. A new sort of strong with wisdom and more empathy than I had for people with physical illness.
Love you.”