There are several memorable Inside the NBA moments, but some of the funniest are when one of Shaq or Charles Barkley (usually Shaq) does something so absurd that the rest of the crew can’t stop laughing and making fun of them. One of the best examples is Shaq’s ridiculous gas tank theory, which devastates Ernie every time it comes up.
Charles Barkley, on the other hand, remembers a particular Shaq moment, which he and Conan O’Brien discussed during Chuck’s appearance on Conan on Wednesday night. Conan inquired about Shaq’s “special mind,” and the two began discussing how Shaq mistakenly believed the moon was just a 10-hour flight away because he could see it outside in Atlanta, but he couldn’t see California, which was only a five-hour flight away.
It is, without a doubt, one of the most ridiculous Inside the NBA segments, and the fact that it currently has just 17,000 views on YouTube suggests to me that not enough people have seen or appreciated it.
The best part is Shaq announcing later in the show that he’s been informed it is a 3-day flight to the moon, not 10 hours, and then declares that means he was 26 hours off. Shaq Math is apparently the cousin of Steiner Math.