Don’t blink now, but the Persona series is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The first game was released in 1996 as a spin-off from the Shin Megami Tensei series, but due to the success of the Persona games, the spin-off was able to grow into its own franchise. Now that it has, many Persona fans are looking forward to the next installment in the series.
They might get some information on it soon! Persona’s creators, Atlus, have announced a major year for the 25th anniversary. Their website has a countdown clock that starts in September 2021 and ends in Autumn 2022. That’s a whole year’s worth of Persona content, and there’s a chance a new teaser for Persona 6 will be included.
Until now, Atlus has been tight-lipped on the Persona series’ future. Since Persona 5, they’ve published Persona 5 Strikers, as well as the expansion Persona 5 Royal. These contributed to the expansion of the universe and the expansion of the stories for the characters that so many people adored. However, it looks that now that those games have been launched, they will be focusing their efforts on Persona 6. This was stated on an official online recruitment page. Thanks to Game Informer for the tip.
“Thanks to a large amount of support we received for Persona 5, we have gotten a sense of accomplishment,” said Hiraoka. “But we can’t stop there. When we created Persona 4, there was the pressure that it had to exceed Persona 3. Now, we will have to create a 6 which exceeds 5. However, exceeding 5 will be difficult with the current staff. I would like to surpass this tall hurdle with everyone who joins us in this recruitment. The workplace is perfect for those who want a creative challenge when it comes to bringing games to the world.”
So we know that Persona 6 exists and is in some type of development, but how far along that development is anyone’s estimate. They could still be in the planning stages, or they could be on the lookout for individuals to help them construct the game. Fans are delighted because, with a whole year of Persona material planned to commemorate the game’s 25th anniversary, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we got a teaser of some sort? It doesn’t have to be a large sum of money. Even a simple acknowledgement of the game’s existence would be fantastic. It would also be consistent with how they’ve handled previous game announcements. Persona 5 was initially presented to us in 2014, but it was simply a picture with a release date.
Of course, that game ended up being delayed multiple times throughout development. We’ll just have to wait and see what they want to show us throughout this anniversary and maybe we’ll get a teaser out of it if we’re lucky.