Did you know that most of the African American fashion dressing codes intertwines with the history of Africans? Yes, one of the most common fashions you will find on many African American celebrities and women is the head wraps. Some people also refer head wraps as head bands, but whatever you call it, this fashion rocks on any woman’s head. For some years, the fashion has gone from head bands to head bowls to scarf then head wraps.
In Africa the head wraps are made from a specific type of cloth known as Kitenge or Kanga, or at times, women usually improvise head wraps from normal scarf. The head scarf can cover the whole head or not, it depends with how you want it and the outfit you are wearing. The head wraps are commonly worn when you want to add a splash of color and patterns into a monochrome outfit or add color to a colorful look.

The head wrap originated from Africa and serves same functions for both African and African American women. For an African American woman the head wrap exhibits style and African aesthetics. However, in the United States the head wrap acquired a meaning of not customary on the ancestral continent. During slavery, the whites imposed its wear as a badge of enslavement. All in all the head straps hold an exceptional position in the African American society for its longevity and for its potent signification. Though it endured the travail of slavery it has never passed out of fashion.
In Africa, the female head wrap is a sign of beauty, prosperity and spirituality. Most fashion icons such as Christian Lacroix have come up with head wraps collection. It is important to note that most African American celebrities and important women in the society wear head wraps once in a while.
With a head wrap you will never go unnoticed and it makes you stand tall. Head wraps rock and are very affordable, so get one today!