For all of us who have thought Donald Trump was too much of a racist, sexist jerk to be commander in-chief the concrete proof that surfaced this week is like sweet music to our ears. “Grab them in the pussy” These might be the words that finally sink Trumps campaign. If you think it is offensive that I didn’t censor the word GOOD, now consider your president saying this.
The word is uncensored as a reminder, not only of how vulgar the words alone are but the action. The idea that this man said “Grab them by the pussy” and made the statement that “when you’re famous they will let you do anything” makes me, a rape victim, sick. This presidential candidate also said that he likes to kiss women, he doesn’t even ask. Is this a multiple sexual assault confession? When a man kisses a woman unsolicited or grabs her in her groin it can certainly taken as sexual assault. What the hell!
I’m guessing the people who didn’t believe Ivana when parts of her deposition during their divorce proceedings became public about Donald raping her are now second guessing their support of the reality show star and businessman. In his 1993 book, Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump, Harry Hunt III writes of one particularly violent sexual assault between the husband and wife.

In case you missed it somehow, a 11-year-old recording of Donald Trump with Billy Bush, cousin of George W. Bush and then Access Hollywood host, as they talked about women. While both were chauvinistic pigs Trump was especially disgusting. The GOP candidate brags about trying to bed a married woman, apparently he took her furniture shopping but still couldn’t close the deal. Watch the video
“I did try and f*** her. She was married,” Trump boasted. “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture’” he added. He went on talking about the woman his conversation becoming even more disgusting, “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” he said, adding, “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”
Later in the conversation as the Access Hollywood bus they’re riding in pulls up to its destination Bush comments on an unnamed woman in purple calling her “hot.” Donald prepares to assault her if he gets the mood by popping a tic tac after saying “I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” then adds. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” OH IT GETS BETTER actually, worse. “And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything,” Trump continues as if oblivious to what sexual assault is. “Whatever you want” adds Billy Bush who is now host of NBC’s Today Show. “Grab them by the p***y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.” Days Of Our Lives star, Arianne Zucker appears to walk them on set wearing purple. Billy Bush immediately starts in on her suggesting she give Trump a hug “How about a hug for the Donald, he just got off the bus.” Then he persuades her to hug him as well. After a few awkward exchanges where Zucker was continuously prodded to choose between Bush and Trump, she takes them both by the arm and has to physically “escort” them to the set. Disgusting, the convo went like this,
Bush: ‘How about a little hug for the Donald? He just got off the bus.’
Zucker: ‘Would you like a little hug, darling?’
Trump: ‘Absolutely. Melania said this was OK.’
Bush: ‘How about a little hug for the Bushy? I just got off the bus. Here we go, excellent. Well you’ve got a nice co-star here.’
Trump: ‘Good, after you. Come on Billy, don’t be shy.’
Bush: ‘As soon as a beautiful woman shows up he just, he takes off. This always happens.’
Zucker (waving to Bush): ‘I’m sorry, come here.’
Bush: ‘Let the little guy in here, come on.’
Zucker: ‘Yeah let the little guy in. How you feel now? Better? I should actually be in the middle.’
Bush: ‘It’s hard to walk next to a guy like this. Yeah, you get in the middle. There we go.’
Trump: ‘Good, that’s much better.’
Zucker: ‘This is much better. This is…’
Bush: ‘Now if you had to choose honestly between one of us. Me or the Donald?’
Trump: ‘I don’t know that’s tough competition.’
Zucker: ‘That’s some pressure right there.’
Bush: ‘Seriously, you had to take one of us as a date.’
Zucker: ‘I have to take the Fifth on that one… I’ll take both.’

Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, Mike Pence, was out campaigning when the tapes were released. Pence refused to answer reporters’ questions about Trump’s comments. Not all republicans feel the same. Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan canceled his campaign trail appearance with the GOP candidate in Wisconsin, appearing alone. “I am sickened by what I heard today,” Ryan wrote in a statement. “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified.” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus also issued a statement, “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever,” it read.
Trump later released a video apology saying in a pre-written statement, “I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them,” The GOP candidate added, “Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize.”
Later in the video Trump says “Let’s be honest. We’re living in the real world. This is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we’re facing today. We’re losing our jobs. We’re less safe than we were eight years ago and Washington is totally broken.” Then, in typical Trump fashion he deflected saying that “Bill Clinton has said far worse to him on the golf course.”
I don’t have the patience nor the inclination to personally type out all of the disgustingly horrible things Trump has been caught or accused of saying but the Huffington Post has a comprehensive list that can be found in a recent article.
I wonder how many Trump supporters have done their research on the man truly. This is a man who was granted a divorce based on his “cruel and inhuman treatment” of his wife. A man who was accused by Jill Harth, a married woman of “attempted rape” in 1997.
This town hall style debate between Clinton and Trump tomorrow will be an epic one for sure.