Most recently seen as Raekwon in Hulu’s Wu-Tang Miniseries, Actor Shameik Moore is currently at the center of controversy on social media. Shameik fired off a series of tweets giving his opinions on how black people should conduct themselves to avoid being the victim of police brutality.
As several celebrities are using their platform to speak on the senseless and horrific murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin, actor Shameik Moore recently provided his own opinion on the situation—and immediately faced a heavy amount of backlash with his tweets.
Shameik posted the following messages of Twitter:
See I have a very strong opinion that the black community hates to hear.. but needs to hear… we need to learn how to deal with police… and or racism… because THIS is the part of the scenario we have failed to fix.
— Shameik Moore (@shameikmoore) May 28, 2020
WHY DO WE GIVE THEM THE ENERGY THEY WANT? Give them an inch they WILL take a mile….. We literally know this already. At what point do we look at ourselves and make adjustments?
— Shameik Moore (@shameikmoore) May 28, 2020
No one asked for my opinion but it’s 2020 not 1945… meaning I’m more focused on black FUTURES than black history. I personally refuse to feel like a victim.. I refuse to have a slave mentality. I don’t not fear for my life because I know how to carry myself in tuff situations.
— Shameik Moore (@shameikmoore) May 28, 2020
I just feel the solution is not to continue to handle the situation the way we’ve been handling it… there are no results… that is LITERALLY the definition of insanity.
— Shameik Moore (@shameikmoore) May 28, 2020
Look… all I’m saying is.. in the MOMENT.. when we are experiencing racism.. can We the black community find ways to avoid being killed? Or hunted
— Shameik Moore (@shameikmoore) May 28, 2020
After trending for several hours with users dragging him on social media, Shameik eventually posted a few videos to explain what he initially meant with his tweets, while insisting that he “never meant to offend the black community.”