“One loud anti-vaxxer got a hard clapback from a man living on the streets,” Kimmel said as he displayed footage of the scene directly outside his studio. A small group of clearly clueless anti-vaxxing “protestors” decided to use the homeless population as an example of why vaccines are unnecessary. This is what happened:
Protester: Have you noticed how many homeless individuals there are? Is it true that they are all dead in COVID’s streets? No way! Why?
“She did inquire why,” Kimmel noted. “Homeless Man: Because I’m vaccinated, dumb f*ck.”
Many states are still reporting record-high levels of infections and hospitalizations after nearly two years of dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. Why? Vaccinations, you moronic f*ck! Jimmy Kimmel offered his viewers an update on the COVID issue in America right now—specifically in California—on Wednesday night. “A lot of people want to know why COVID levels are so low here,” Kimmel quipped, “and scientists believe it’s because we haven’t had a Kid Rock performance in California since August of 2018.”
Kimmel pointed out that California and Connecticut were the only two states not in the bright red danger zone after displaying a COVID map of community transmission rates. And he has a theory as to why this is the case: While the national average for fully immunized people is around 57 percent, Kimmel claims that “more than 80 percent of eligible Californians are vaccinated.” “And many of those who aren’t are now turning to the streets to protest obligatory vaccination.”
“One loud anti-vaxxer got a harsh clapback from a man living on the streets,” Kimmel said, as he aired footage of the altercation directly outside his studio. In it, a small number of blatantly dumb anti-vaxxing “protestors” attempted to use the homeless population as evidence that vaccines are unneeded. This is how it went:
Protester: Have you noticed all of the homeless people? Are they buried in COVID’s streets? No way, no how! Why?
“She did ask why,” Kimmel noted. Homeless Man: Because I’m vaccinated, dumb f*ck.