Another day, and another cell phone with a camera taking a pic of a celebrity in a very compromising position.
Where have we seen this before?
In this case, we’re talking about Philadelphia Eagles superstar quarterback Michael Vick. And the word on the street is that he has some nude pics out there somewhere and they’re coming to the worldwide web.
A certain and most definitely scandalous individual claims she has nude pics of Vick, one of which being a full frontal shot. She also claims to have letters Mike wrote her while he was in prison.
Negotiations are currently being made for the photos between this individual and other sites, with TheUrbanTwist NOT being one of those sites.
For those that want to see Mike Vick naked, stay posted for more details. And for those of us that don’t, try your best to not see them because once the pics go online it may be too hard for you to avoid them.