Katt Williams has made headlines again but is the true story being told? By now I’m sure you’ve seen the 30 second video making it’s way around the internet of Katt Williams punching and wrestling with a teenager. When I saw it yesterday I was furious at Katt. This incident is one in a string of assaults in the last month the comedian has been alleged to be involved in.
When I saw the whole 5 minute video this morning My mind changed. Have you seen the actual video or were you fooled by what was first released to us too? Thankfully we have real people out here with cameras and internet access to show the truth of situations.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGQbrbyhnDw]
It’s hard to watch this video and blame Katt and I’m a child advocate. I have a 15-year-old son myself and my son had did that he deserved to be jabbed too. See I don’t see what Katt did as an assault. He has the same excuse George Zimmerman used when he shot an INNOCENT child. He STOOD HIS GROUND. See the difference is Zimmerman had no real threat, he saw a stranger and felt fear. Katt was being verbally goaded into an altercation with a child, he walked away. No other adult intervened, yet someone followed with a camera recording. He went to a place far from where the altercation started and took a seat in a NON-AGRESSIVE MANNER. The child followed, continuing to goad standing above him in an aggressive manner. No other adult intervened. Katt tried to defuse the situation by talking to the child and cracking jokes. The child was now actually threatening Katt. Katt reminded the child he was a grown man, one just released from jail at that. The child continues to insinuate he wanted to fight. No adult intervened. This is FOUR minutes into a volatile situation and NO OTHER ADULT INTERVENED.
This child was so far up in Katt face, hurling insults and threats, after this long and seeing no adult would intervene Katt told the child to get out his space and popped him. That led to a tussle. THEN adults want to intervene. People are saying Katt got beat up by that child but looking at the video it’s clear Katt made no attempt to hit tat child once on the ground. Wrestle him off him, yes. But hit him again, no. He told the child “I have kids”, it wasn’t his goal to fight that child but to eliminate the threat to himself.
According to Wikipedia the stand-your-ground law is a law that authorizes an individual to protect and defend their own life and limb against threat or perceived threat. This law states that an individual has no duty to retreat from any place the individual has a lawful right to be and may use any level of force, including lethal, if the individual reasonably believes they face an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm or death.
Katt perceived that child was going to follow through on his threats, why not? After FOUR minutes of no intervention by anyone why wouldn’t he get even bolder as time passed. He popped that child to defuse the situation, and it worked. It took for him to hit that child for all those people watching to finally intervene. What did they think would happen if they sat there and watched this scene continue to play out. Did they want the child to hit Katt first? Was he set up? Hell early in the video you can hear the person recording say “I’m surprised he didn’t fight anyone” someone replies “Who would he fight”. A minute later here comes instigator.
You know what’s even crazier? All you’re hearing about is that fight but not how Kat was out there blessing people. Kim Rucker of Atlanta, Georgia, where the fight took place posted on her Facebook page about Katt’s generosity. She had a flat tire and Katt gave her $100 to fix it and took a a photo with her.

In fact quite a few pics have surfaced of Katt out there trying to just enjoy a day in the community. He took photos with residents, played kickball with the kids and more. All you hear about is the 30 seconds of him trying to defuse a 5 minute problem.

It almost appears the child wanted to capitalize off of Katt’s recent arrests and alleged assaults. I can’t stop wondering why it took for an actual punch to be thrown before anyone tried to stop this situation. In the last month Katt Williams has been arrested in multiple incidents that alleged physical violence. He was questioned in another alleged assault but not arrested.
You’ve heard all about Katt punching a store clerk who he claimed called him Ni**er. Heard he supposedly held 5 women at gun point. But the news hasn’t reported his good deeds recently. In early March he gifted rapper Beanie Segil with a Lamborghini for his birthday and singer/reality start Lil Mo with an Escalade truck for her kids from “Uncle Katt.”
This is a man who has adopted 7 children and raises his own biological son alone. If you think he WANTED to hit that child that’s crazy. I’m sure he felt as the situation appeared, that no one was going to stop this until it got ugly. So he took control of the situation. If it had been my son he’d be issuing a public apology to Mr. Williams.