Set in 1970s Los Angeles, this action- comedy stars down-on-his-luck private eye Holland March (Ryan Gosling) and hired enforcer Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe) who must work together to solve the case of a missing girl and the seemingly unrelated death of a porn star.
During their investigation, they uncover a shocking conspiracy that reaches up to the highest circles of power.
When you think of adult entertainment can you picture Ryan Gosling and Russel Crow? Well, these two have teamed up to show you they really can be NICE GUYS.
“Iron Man 3” director Shane Black is helming and Joel Silver is producing. “Nice Guys” re-teams the studio with Black and Silver, both of whom rose to prominence nearly three decades ago via the “Lethal Weapon” franchise. It’s the first major movie that Silver’s produced for Warners since splitting with the studio four years ago.
The Nice Guys hits theaters on May 20.