Serena Williams is back on her best Hottentot bullsh*t as she parades around showing off her swollen belly. We get it, Serena, you’re pregnant but sheesh woman, do you have to continue to rub your choice to cross over in our faces?
Last week, I held my tongues as Vanity Fair released a pregnancy spread featuring Serena flaunting her baby bump, which is much more than a bump these days. As much as I wanted to say something then about how the spread showed her styled over and over nearly naked and in unflattering poses. It was extremely obvious the focus was on her pregnant stomach, not showing off a pregnant Serena Williams in any kind of positive light.

The photo shoot seemed more to me like a ritualistic way of showing that she had been bred. In fact, it made me think back when women were bought and sold on slave auction blocks. A woman who was able to breed was considered the good stock. She would produce more slaves.

I bit my tongue, however, there are more important things in my life than being mad Serena wants to act like a bed wench, Hottentot or anything else. Today, I was doing research on something else and an article on Serena Williams was in the ad space at the bottom of the article I was reading. The headline pissed me off.
The headline proudly proclaimed that Serena was “feeling herself” as she flaunted her pregnancy lips? Pregnancy lips? Really? There is no such thing as pregnancy lips, she need to show off the way she had degraded her bloodline is getting out of control.

We get it! You let the white boy knock you up. Who are you trying to impress? We Black women and men have always had luscious lips. The people who have to spend money to get lips like ours are the only ones impressed by your “pregnancy lips.” By the way, that upper lip looks like it needs to be checked. The middle looks weird.
To get on Snapchat and flaunt what no one else would even notice, is ridiculous. I wonder how many more stunts this once respected star will pull to draw attention to the fact that she had crossed over.
She has been doing weird things, drawing attention to herself since she announced her pregnancy with this interracial baby “accidentally” on social media. Chick, please. Like I said when I posted about her looking a mess in Dollar Tree, it’s obvious this dude sperm is doing more than creating life inside of her, it has her acting and looking stupid.
She couldn’t even give the pregnancy shoot to a Black magazine. Ebony or Essence wasn’t good enough? Guess what Serena? If you were pregnant by someone named Tyrone or Darius, Vanity Fair wouldn’t be parading your naked pregnant ass around.

Her soon to be hubby looks very proud of his accomplishment in taking down one of the greatest. His own modern day Hottentot, kudos Alexis.
Keep playing the Hottentot to these people’s fantasies, they don’t have to put us in the museum on display anymore. Some of our women are happy to show off what’s been done to them on their own.